Central Medical College, Cumilla was established on January 2005 by the approval of Ministry of health and family welfare. The college is situated in a wide open and beautiful campus almost in the middle of the country by the side of Dhaka-Chittagong high way. The campus is near to capital city Dhaka. This is also near to Indian city Agortola about 4 km distance form shreemontopur boarder.Read more..
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Central Medical College - CeMec, established to respond to global changes happening in Medical education and Technology and bring positive changes in the present deterioration health care delivery system. The ultimate goal is to make our population a healthy and productive force. A good number of brilliant and promising students fail to get chance in medical colleges due to limitation of seats in Gov't Medical Colleges. This institute will help those students to avail this opportunity.
This program will give a good profile of student in technical field by providing opportunity for the better performance in Medical Education in separate cell in each Department with good facilities for Medical graduates who can give more time in this field.
In this college the students are valued and we will assist, support and advice every student with proper counseling, guidance to solve their academic problems. All efforts are being made to attract the students to their places for learning and modern teaching methods will be extensively used by the teachers for imparting lessons.
It is our first effort. In future more efforts will be made to enrich the different wings of health sector, when the institute will be developed for this purpose.
We heartily thank the Ministry of Health & Family welfare for giving our Central Medical College Final approval to commence academic activities from the session 2004-2005. We pray to Allah, the almighty for its success.
The Aim of this Medical College & Hospital is to teach selected cadidates for five academic years according to the syllabus laid down by Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council ( BM&DC ) for MBBS degree to be a conferred by Chattagram Mdical University, Bangladesh and then impart training of closely supervised internship for one year to create high quality career as doctor for nation.
- To promote and provide studies in medical science leading to recognized graduate and post graduate degree.
- To conduct research work on the diseade prevalent in the country.
- To conduct research on medical education with the aim of raising the student of medical education in the country.